Project-Sensory Park for Specially-abled

Special Kids being more blessed than us deserve the best of both worlds. Providing them the park of their choice will be the most pious task of all times. Considering specially-abled kids as Gods, their kingdom is supposed to be the most pretty of all.

Keeping this in mind, Smart City Chandigarh was very keen on working for making Sensory Park for the kids. This project shall include a park which will be full of facilities for such kids. Different from the usual parks, these shall include learning and engaging activities, toys, mirrors, games, clock panels, kaleidoscope, playhouses and green lush grass. This entire package in one single garden shall prove to be a treat to the kids. Considering blessed kids as the priority, these parks will be the most fruitful for them. Protection shall be at it's peak. The specially designed fences will be at their duty to protect and comfort kids with mobility disability, hearing and speech disability, cognitive disability and intellectual skills disorders. Our generation is our priority so to comfort the tender saplings of our city, we are all ready to provide them the services which are their right and their requirements.

Project Components

  • Tactile paving & EPDM flooring
  • Specialized play equipment’s
  • Mounds and maze with hedges
  • Chalkboard, Scribble and Feature walls

Other Details

  • Universal accessibility for all age groups.
  • Creation of a holistic and inclusive environment.
  • Sensory engagement, mobility and motor skills.

Other Details

STATUS: Under Implementation